Dr Tuhin Maity

Tuhin Maity is an Associate Professor at the School of Physics, IISER-TVM, India. Prior to joining IISER in March, 2020 he was a Marie-Curie Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Cambridge. He completed his PhD from Tyndall National Institute, Ireland in 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Saibal Roy. He was subsequently a Post-Doctoral researcher (2015-2016) at Tyndall. In 2016 he received Irish Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship to work on 'Nano-Structured Magnetic Materials for Energy Harvesting' as a Principal Investigator. In 2017 He received prestigious Marie-Curie Individual Post-Doctoral Fellowship in world renowned the University of Cambridge on his own project on 'Energy efficient high-density memory (MuStMAM)' under the mentorship of Prof. Judith Driscoll, FREgg. He worked in Cambridge from March 2018 to February 2020. Tuhin's research interest is nano structured functional materials for different device applications such as Quantum Technologies, Neuromorphic Computer Memory and Energy Efficient Electronics. He has published several high-impact journal papers which include Nature Electronics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Advanced Materials, and ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 

Tuhin has received several awards in his research career such as the Tyndall Bursary award for best PhD student (2014), three best poster awards in national and international conferences, and several internationally competitive IEEE awards. He is a frequent speaker in national and international conferences, and institutes. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Trinity College - Cambridge from 2018 to 2019. 

Apart from research, Tuhin has interests in photography and painting. He is a self-taught photographer and painter. He also actively takes part in organization development activities. He was the founder and the Chair of UCC Indian Society, Ireland. He acted as a student ambassador for UCC to India. He also served as a member of Tyndall Post-graduate Committee and UCC India Strategy Group. He was in the Postgraduate Mentoring Panel of Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK. 

PhD  (2025) - Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (Supervisor Prof. Saibal Roy)

MSc (2009) - University of Pune, India

BSc (2007) - University of Calcutta, India

02/2025- Present: Associate Professor, School of Physics, IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India

05/2022- 01/2025: Visiting Research Fellow - University of Cambridge, UK (Mentor Prof. Judith Driscoll)

03/2020- 02/2025: Assistant Professor, School of Physics, IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India

03/2018- 02/2020: Marie-Curie Post-Doctoral Fellow - University of Cambridge, UK (Mentor Prof. Judith Driscoll)

06/2018-12/2019: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK

10/2016- 03/2018: IRC Post-Doctoral Fellow - Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland (Mentor Prof. Saibal Roy)

03/2015- 09/2016: Postdoctoral researcher - Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland (Supervisor Prof. Saibal Roy)

02/2011-03/2015: PhD Student - Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (Supervisor Prof. Saibal Roy)

01/2010-02/2011: Researcher - Leipzig University, Germany

2022-2024   The Royal Society International Exchange, with The University of Cambridge, UK

Amount: £12,000

2022-2023   SERB Start-up Research Grant (SRG)

Amount: INR 33,00,000

2020-2021   IEEE Magnetic Society Student Seed Fund with Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

Amount: Total $10,000 equally shared by two institutes

​2020    Institute Funding as Start-up grant for – IISER TVM, India

2018-2020 Isaac Newton Trust Research Grants 2018, University of Cambridge, UK

Title: ‘New Concept in multi-state high density memory’

Amount: £25,000/- 

2018-2020 Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship 2017, University of Cambridge, UK

Title: Multi State Memory in Artificial Multiferroics

Amount: € 195,454/- 

2016-2018 Govt. of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship 2016, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

Title: Nanostructured bi-magnetic permanent magnet for energy harvesting applications

Amount: €91,700/-